Past & Present: Pursuit of Freedom

On this day in history, the American Revolution began in 1776. A seemingly innocuous, loosely-gathered compilation of thirteen colonies took on an imperial power with the best navy in the world at the time. Ordinary men leading ordinary lives answered the call of their fledgling nation to defend their freedoms that the British mother land was trampling on. They felt that the pursuit of their freedoms was worth the possibility of death.  Continue reading “Past & Present: Pursuit of Freedom”

Lessons from Niagara Falls

“Deep calls to deep at the roar of your waterfalls; all your breakers and your waves have gone over me.”

Psalm 42:7

This past week, my family and I had the opportunity of visiting one of the Earth’s natural marvels, Niagara Falls. The power of the falls was overwhelming. The sheer amount of water that surrounded me was mind boggling. Approximately 12 million people from around the world visit Niagara Falls per year. They travel here, to upstate New York, to witness God’s glory displayed in the form of a series of majestic waterfalls.

As I gazed out at the waterfalls, I couldn’t help but ponder what God may have been thinking. I imagined he might have thought, “You think I’m not real? You think I’m not powerful? You think I can’t handle any situation that you face? Take a look at these falls. See how powerful and majestic they are? I created them using only my words. Have no fear. I can take care of you.

Continue reading “Lessons from Niagara Falls”