
Join, or Die: The Meme that United America

Probably the best known meme from American history was the “Join, or Die” political cartoon, published on this day on May 9, 1754. The engraving serves as a reminder that we are stronger together than we are apart. It is also one of the first, and most effective, examples of political cartoons that continues to be employed on a regular basis today. Continue reading “Join, or Die: The Meme that United America”


To Anyone Who Thinks They Have a Boring Testimony…

I stared down at my feet, at the other girls seated around the room, anywhere but at the small group leader who had posed the question. 

I didn’t have the slightest idea what I should say. How could I even begin to answer her?

The question was simple, but the answer was complicated.  Continue reading “To Anyone Who Thinks They Have a Boring Testimony…”


Past & Present: Pursuit of Freedom

On this day in history, the American Revolution began in 1776. A seemingly innocuous, loosely-gathered compilation of thirteen colonies took on an imperial power with the best navy in the world at the time. Ordinary men leading ordinary lives answered the call of their fledgling nation to defend their freedoms that the British mother land was trampling on. They felt that the pursuit of their freedoms was worth the possibility of death.  Continue reading “Past & Present: Pursuit of Freedom”


My Convoluted Career Path

When I went to the liquor store, they gave me a lollipop. 

Well there went any inclination I had of becoming a wine distributor, but I’m not sorry about it. It’s not every day an adult walks out of a store with a free lollipop. It used to be that I could go just about anywhere with my little pigtails and be guaranteed a lollipop at any establishment my parents took me to; the bank, the hair salon, or the grocery store. Not anymore. Continue reading “My Convoluted Career Path”


Books I loved in 2019

Better late than never right? Here were just a few of the over 150 books I read and loved last year! All of them are Philippians 4:8 Approved! Don’t know what that means? Head over to the blog post I wrote titled The Philippians 4:8 Challenge to dive in deeper!

Continue reading “Books I loved in 2019”


10 Verses for your War Room

If you have seen the movie War Room, then you have probably been inspired to create your very own set apart place to pray, read the Bible, and learn more about God. If you haven’t had the chance to see the movie, I would definitely recommend it! It’s one of the 4 Christian movies that I recommended for watching on a rainy day (or any other day really)! Continue reading “10 Verses for your War Room”


Come to the Table

Luke 14:15-24

The Parable of the Great Banquet

You are throwing a party. You invite everyone! You spend hours laboring over a hot stove as you prepare food for your guests. You dust the furniture, vacuum the floors, tidy the clutter. You order decorations and place them around the room to make sure that the venue is ready for your guests imminent arrival. You even make a playlist so your guests can enjoy some background music. Finally everything is ready.

The expected arrival time comes and goes but no guests arrive. You stand in your house alone, wondering where everyone is. You text your friends in a panic to ask if they are on their way. You check your phone repeatedly. You walk around your house looking at all of the hard work that went into preparing for your nonexistant guests. You wait for your friends to respond to your queries. You fiddle with the balloons that mark the entryway and nibble on the table full of snacks you baked. Where is everyone? They said they would come. Continue reading “Come to the Table”


4 Books to Read this Summer

As a child I wanted to climb inside of every story I read. I wanted to fully immerse myself in the tales I read – to be a part of it, to better understand the feelings of the characters and to partake in the characters’ adventures. Each story I read contained a magic of its own, an adventure waiting to be unveiled. The characters would bring the story to life, the seemingly ordinary figures that would hold my hand along the journey and enable me to see life through their eyes. Continue reading “4 Books to Read this Summer”


What I’ve Learned In 2 Years of Blogging

I cannot believe that I have been writing this blog for two years! It honestly feels like only yesterday that I wrote out my thoughts for my first blog post, anxiously prayed that the words would reach whomever needed them, and hit publish with no small level of worry. Blogging, at least christian blogging, is very vulnerable. You willingly open up your heart and share your struggles and your triumphs with other people. You open up yourself up to critiques, but also to countless words of encouragement. Continue reading “What I’ve Learned In 2 Years of Blogging”


Today is a Special Day!

It’s The Baer Necessities’ 2nd Birthday!


Happy birthday cupcakes
I can’t believe it’s already been two years!

Continue reading “Today is a Special Day!”


The Philippians 4:8 Challenge

Our late night forms of entertainment stick with us long after the final credits roll, the final page is turned or the last notes of a song fade. They invade our thoughts in the daylight hours and fill our minds with the content we had indulged in. The seemingly insignificant movies, books, and music we consume actually have a profound impact on us and our relationship with God.

The apostle Paul knew that. In Philippians 4:8 he writes, “Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable–if anything is excellent or praiseworthy–think about such things.”

Why? Continue reading “The Philippians 4:8 Challenge”


4 Christian Movies to Watch on a Rainy Day

In an era with nearly unlimited quantities of tv watching options, there is an increasing lack of content worth watching.

Philippians 4:8 says, “Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable–if anything is excellent or praiseworthy–think about such things.

But most media content today does not reach that standard. That makes finding something to watch, read, or listen to really hard! So I’ve done some of the work for you! The next time you’re looking for a good movie that fulfills the standards espoused in Philippians 4:8, try one of these great movies! Continue reading “4 Christian Movies to Watch on a Rainy Day”


10 Times C.S. Lewis Hit the Nail on the Head

What makes a writer great? Is it his pondering prose, his unforseen plot twists, or his characters who, by the end of the novel, feel more like close friends? If any writer should be categorized as great, it is certainly C.S. Lewis. He combined all of these elements of greatness while simultaneously elucidating Biblical truths in his writings in a way that continues to inspire people today. He is a man known for his strong faith and relationship with God as well as his way with words. These ten pithy quotes from his books are ones that you will want to remember! Continue reading “10 Times C.S. Lewis Hit the Nail on the Head”


Fallacies with “Finding Your Calling”

Has contemplating the future ever stressed you out? Have you ever worried about what you are going to do with your life? Do you ever lift your hands in prayer asking God to show you what He wants you to do with your life because you just have no clue? Continue reading “Fallacies with “Finding Your Calling””


Practical Tips for Leading a Great Bible Study

Every week this past school year, my coleader and I invited a group of freshman girls to join us for the ultimate book club where we explored the best book ever written – The Bible. We would laugh and cry as we drew ever closer to the Creator of Heaven and Earth and as we enjoyed fellowship with one another. Yet as this school year has drawn to a close, and each of my small group girls have gone their separate ways, I have taken the time to reflect on how to lead a great bible study.

Here are 5 practical tips for leading a great bible study: Continue reading “Practical Tips for Leading a Great Bible Study”


Why Do I Doubt God?

If you’ve ever doubted God, questioned His plan, or experiences periods of unbelief then you are not alone. In fact, you are in good company!

John the Baptist was once the baby who leapt within his mother’s womb at the presence of Jesus within Mary in Luke 1:39-45. He grew up to preach about the coming Messiah. He even had the privilege to baptize Jesus and witness God claiming Him as His son. Even this man had his doubts that Jesus truly was who He said He was. Continue reading “Why Do I Doubt God?”


How to Love When it’s Hard

I’ve been plagued lately with feelings that I am unloved and unappreciated by those around me. I’ve been frustrated with invitations that go unanswered and the lack of inclusion in conversations and events. I’ve been feeling sorry for myself and thinking that I must be feeling this way because the people around me don’t like me. I’ve grown weary of showing love to people who don’t make an effort to return it. I’ve been tempted to give into these lies; to believe that what they are telling me is true rather than turn to the Truth that tells me how loved I really am. I ask myself, why should I waste my time and energy on people who don’t seem to want to be my friend? Continue reading “How to Love When it’s Hard”


How To Become Fishers of Men

Bible Study: Luke 5:1-11

This year at college I have had the privilege of co-leading a small group for Freshmen girls. It has been so much fun and so encouraging to grow in my faith alongside them and build relationships with these younger girls. We have been delving deep into the book of Luke as a group and I figured I would share what I’ve been learning with you! I hope that you enjoy this mini bible study as much as I do!

Jesus Calls His First Disciples

Continue reading “How To Become Fishers of Men”


10 Songs to Remind You That You’re Loved

Add these powerful songs to your favorite playlist this Valentine’s Day for beautiful reminders of how loved you are!

1. Just Be Held – Casting Crowns

“So when you’re on your knees and answers seem so far away
You’re not alone, stop holding on and just be held
Your world’s not falling apart, it’s falling into place
I’m on the throne, stop holding on and just be held
Just be held, just be held Continue reading “10 Songs to Remind You That You’re Loved”


What To Do When Your Friends Reject the Gospel

Bible Study: Luke 4:14-30

This year at college I have had the privilege of co-leading a small group for Freshmen girls. It has been so much fun and so encouraging to grow in my faith alongside them and build relationships with these younger girls. We have been delving deep into the book of Luke as a group and I figured I would share what I’ve been learning with you! I hope that you enjoy this mini bible study as much as I do!

Jesus Rejected at Nazareth

Continue reading “What To Do When Your Friends Reject the Gospel”


The Gospel in a Nutshell

The Gospel message, in a nutshell is very simple.

We are all sinful. We are born sinful. No one had to teach us how to lie, or how to hurt others through our words and actions. That sinful nature is a part of us. But God didn’t want us to live this way. He created a beautiful place for His creation to reside with Him. But we, out of our greed for the things of this world, broke the perfection of His creation when Adam and Eve (the first two humans) sinned by eating fruit that was forbidden. It was that one seemingly small action that separated us from our perfect Creator, because how could something unclean reside with a perfect, Holy God? Continue reading “The Gospel in a Nutshell”


Why in the World Would God Want to Use Me?

God can use us even when we have selfish motivations…

You’ve got to be kidding me. My only friend in my senior year homeroom had just told me she would only be coming to school every other day. More importantly (at least in my head), I was going to be sitting by myself for half an hour every other morning. Great. Continue reading “Why in the World Would God Want to Use Me?”


How to Host a Clothing Swap!

This weekend I hosted a great, unique event with 20 of my closest friends at college – a clothing swap! It’s an easy to plan event that everyone gets super excited about (I know I already can’t wait to plan another one)!

A clothing swap is the perfect, fun event to do with your friends because it gives you an opportunity to exchange those items you cleared out of your closet over the Christmas holiday for items that you want in your wardrobe for the new year! But you could host this event at any time of the year (back to school, spring clean out, summer styles etc.)!

There are a few things to consider when planning your own clothing swap party… Continue reading “How to Host a Clothing Swap!”


Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder

At what age do we lose our childlike wonder? When do we stop looking at the world and the people in it through rose-tinted glasses? Why do we start caring more about what people think of us than how we make people feel about themselves?

While in college, I volunteer some of my time each week at a local elementary school. Continue reading “Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder”


Happy Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving is a verb. On this day, as we should everyday, we give thanks for the things in our lives that we often take for granted. I hope that everyone enjoys a lovely day surrounded by friends and family.


How To Combat Temptation

Bible Study: Luke 4:1-13

This year at college I have had the privilege of co-leading a small group for Freshmen girls. It has been so much fun and so encouraging to grow in my faith alongside them and build relationships with these younger girls. We have been delving deep into the book of Luke as a group and I figured I would share what I’ve been learning with you! I hope that you enjoy this mini bible study as much as I do! Continue reading “How To Combat Temptation”


Halloween Costumes from Items in your Closet!

Happy Halloween! In honor of the spooky holiday this week, here are four costume ideas for this Halloween from items that you already have in your closet! Continue reading “Halloween Costumes from Items in your Closet!”


What Faith Means to Me

Christianity defines me. My faith sets me apart and enables me to have a relationship with my loving father and God. It assures me of a future beyond my wildest dreams. A future that I hope brings glory to him in this fallen world.  Continue reading “What Faith Means to Me”


How to Follow God in Public School

The doors swung open and I filed off the bus sandwiched between the girl I had just met and the girl with the strange name that I couldn’t remember. I took a gulp of air and tried to recall all the movies that I had seen regarding what I could expect discover in my new school. Continue reading “How to Follow God in Public School”


What I Learned at 20

This past year I’ve learned how to be comfortable in my own skin. I’ve become confident in myself and love myself for who I am. Most mornings I look in the morning and smile and carry it on my face throughout the day. I can laugh at my mistakes and embarrassing moments without getting caught up in what other people may be thinking about me. I’ve learned to trust that I am a daughter of God and that I am unconditionally loved. I’ve learned to love the body God has given me and marvel at the things it can accomplish. I’ve learned to be proud of my mind and to challenge it. So thank you 20 year old Emily for teaching me to love myself unconditionally as God loves me and now as 21 year old Emily, I can’t wait to see where He leads me in this great adventure we call life!!



An Open Letter to Freshman

To Freshman starting at a new school,

This is a time for exploration, a time for learning new things about yourself and trying new things. It is a time to reach outside of your comfort zone and to see what unfolds, to find your niche and to reach for your full potential. Whether your place is discovered within a science lab, unleashed on the sports field, performed on the stage or hidden in the pages of a book-find it and embrace it. Continue reading “An Open Letter to Freshman”


7 Places Every American Should Visit in Washington, D.C.

Our nation’s capital, Washington D.C. is home to an array of historic locations, political powerhouses, cultural activities, and fine arts venues. It is no surprise then that the bustling city boasts tourists each year from around the world. Many of these tourists have come to gaze at the stunning monuments surrounding the National Mall or to snap a picture of their family members in front of the White House, Capitol Building, or Supreme Court building. Although these attractions are well worth seeing (and have certainly earned their positions on this list) there are far more, less traveled locations that are well worth your time. Continue reading “7 Places Every American Should Visit in Washington, D.C.”


When God Comes Knocking…

“Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.”

1 Corinthians 6:19-20

Our bodies are the residence of the Holy Spirit. What a wonderful gift that is! God, in His abundant love for us, gave us a part of His Holy trinity to live within us. Yet we often treat our resident with contempt. Continue reading “When God Comes Knocking…”


Lessons from Kindergarten We Still Need To Learn

In kindergarten, five and six year old children learn the basics of civility. They may learn simple skills such as the alphabet and numbers, but the priority throughout the kindergarten year is to teach young children how to treat one another with kindness and how to behave in various uncomfortable situations. When I was in kindergarten, I learned how to share, how to act when I didn’t get my way, and how to converse with people politely (even when I wasn’t particularly pleased with them).

As I watch the news headlines, it seems as if many of us need to go back to kindergarten. It seems as if we are competing with one another to determine who can say the most nasty and shocking thing. Continue reading “Lessons from Kindergarten We Still Need To Learn”


A True Friend

One who has unreliable friends soon comes to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.

Proverbs 18:24


To: A true friend, and those looking for one,

What does a true friend look like? Well, I’m glad that you asked. This past week reminded me of what a true friend really is.

Picture this.

Continue reading “A True Friend”


7 Etiquette Rules That Still Apply Today

In an era made infamous for its lack of civility, it is more important than ever to attempt to retain some semblance of ettiquette. Many ettiquette rules of bygone eras are too out of date to possess any lasting significance in the modern era. There are, however, still many ettiquette rules that should not be left in the past and some that have been created specifically given the context of today. We can all benefit from a refresher in manners and ettiquette because our actions and behavior paint the picture of who we are as individuals. I hope that we all live our lives bearing in mind that we are created to glorify God in everything we do – even the way that we behave at the dinner table!

Continue reading “7 Etiquette Rules That Still Apply Today”


12 Months of Blog Posts

It has been twelve months (and two days) since I took a leap of faith and began this blog. I have always loved writing and felt that my passion for it was a way that I could minister to others. The idea of publishing blog posts was one that had been on my heart for a few years before I actually sat down and did it! I am so glad that I did and I am so encouraged by how this platform has grown over the past year. Continue reading “12 Months of Blog Posts”


What are The Baer Necessities?

“… I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all things through Him who gives me strength.”

~ Philippians 4:11-13

Continue reading “What are The Baer Necessities?”


I Need Your Help (EXCITING NEWS)!!

Hello friends!

This Friday, July 6, 2018 is the FIRST BIRTHDAY of The Baer Necessities!! I cannot believe that it has already been a year since I began this blogging journey! Time really flies! I’m so excited to celebrate this milestone!!

Also, I can’t wait to see what God will do with this blog in the upcoming year! I have lots of posts ready to go up in the next few weeks and I look forward to your thoughts on them!

But let’s not get ahead of ourselves.

Before we can move into year 2 of The Baer Necessities, I’d like to get some feedback from you guys. What were some types of blogposts that you enjoyed? What are some topics that you would like to see more of? Or what is something new you think I should try? I would love to hear all of your suggestions!!

In case you need some help getting started, here is a short list to jog your memory on the various blog posts and topics I have tried to tackle this year!

Post Types:

  • Devotionals – from my life or Bible verses that reflected on God and the gospel
  • Stories – Such as “Disaster with a doughnut” that simply told a humorous story (Trust me I have plenty more of those to share)
  • Lists of Bible Verses that examine further topics
  • And much more!!


  • Prayer
  • Purity
  • Worry/Fear
  • Personal Growth
  • Challenges
  • And much more!!

Please email me at thebaernecessitiesblog@gmail.com with your thoughts! I can’t wait to read them!!


Love, Emily



10 Verses About Purity

When I was little, I like most young children, was curious about where babies came from. After reading Hannah’s story in 1 Samuel 1 and 2 I was convinced that all one had to do to have a baby was to pray really hard and to be patient. I have since been informed of the error in my thinking. That revelation brought with it a host of new questions regarding a word that was constantly tossed around – Purity. In my young mind, I had a vague understanding of the meaning behind the word and saw how “pure” conduct was uplifted by people I admired. I learned that purity, put simply, is abstaining from sex until marriage. Little did I know that there was far more to the word than just that. Purity is not just a physical concept. It is a a mental and emotional state as well. With that in mind, here are 10 verses that discuss purity. Continue reading “10 Verses About Purity”


5 Ways to Thrive in College

As a new class of college freshman prepare to leave home and embark on their college journey, there will undoubtedly be countless well wishers giving them tips and advice on how to do well in their first year there. There are so many different things to remember as you start your collegiate career so I have narrowed down all the advice I received and the tips I have learned into a short, easy to remember list of 5 ways to thrive in college. Enjoy!

Continue reading “5 Ways to Thrive in College”


Disaster with a Doughnut

Happy Monday!

Let’s try something a little bit different today. How about a story?

Everyone loves a good story, right? I know preschoolers do! I have spent countless hours in preschools playing with young children over the years. The little ones never fail to make me laugh at the hilarious things they say and do. Continue reading “Disaster with a Doughnut”


Christ on Capitol Hill

From the way our Nation’s capital is portrayed I would assume that finding strong Christians within those stoic white buildings would be as probable as finding flying pigs. Continue reading “Christ on Capitol Hill”


3 Places Where I Place My Identity (But Shouldn’t): Part 3

Today we bring my three part series to a close. I believe that it is no coincidence that this last installment is coming together in the same weekend as the royal wedding. With so much chatter about love, weddings and marriage the past few days it can become all too easy to feel as if I am missing out. With that being said, I would like to share with you the third place where I place my identity (but shouldn’t): relationship status. Continue reading “3 Places Where I Place My Identity (But Shouldn’t): Part 3”


3 Places Where I Place My Identity (But Shouldn’t) : Part 2

My personal happiness is far too dependent on my appearance. My entire day can be destroyed by the way I think I look. I love fashion, makeup and taking girly pictures with my friends. But all too often I allow my bad hair day to turn into a bad day. I allow my uncomfortable outfit to evolve into discomfort with myself. Continue reading “3 Places Where I Place My Identity (But Shouldn’t) : Part 2”


3 Places where I place my identity (but shouldn’t) : Part 1

Hello friends!


Welcome to the first of a three part series titled 3 Places Where I Place My Identity (But Shouldn’t). It can be so easy to place our value in things that are temporary, or damaging, or shallow. Our value comes from no other source than the Creator of the universe. Nothing else can tell us what we are worth. Everything else will leave us feeling empty and unworthy. But God tells us that we are precious and priceless. Continue reading “3 Places where I place my identity (but shouldn’t) : Part 1”